Sunday, August 9, 2009

Luke - 8.75

8.75mi, 67:27 (7:42)

Went to the park and found a little patch of grass for ten minutes of barefoot running, then went to another park but there was a softball game going on so no grass to run on. Headed home, and when I was almost there I noticed the front lawn of the high school looked nice, so I ran on it for a little over 5 minutes (it was a smaller loop than I expected).
I think this is a new fun way to find places to run--find a park or two, and go to them to run barefoot in the grass.

Oh today I was planning on running in the morning, but I woke up with a spider bite on my foot, so I iced it some (melted an ice cube on it three times in about as many hours) and then ran in the afternoon (after watching the Mariners win 11-2) and it was pretty okay.

1 comment:

  1. how many miles per week are you doing these days? 75?
