Thursday, September 3, 2009

James - 5.8


I wanted to have an idea of how I was doing before the 10K on Sunday. Having measured it and it not being quite 10K I'm a little disappointed, but there are plus and minus arguments that I might do better on the day, if not meet my goal of 42 minutes.

+ Luke says race day is always faster
+ I wasn't fully prepared, hadn't eaten a great breakfast, etc
+ I was dodging puddles, and it rained and was windy somewhat

- The course is meant to be hilly, so not a great one to try and get a personal best
- It could be rainy and windy then too
- I thought I pushed hard today so not sure how much more I can pull out

Work ruined chances of a run yesterday. And today I ran past two guys fishing and one, smiling (with beer in hand) encouraged me to "join the army, lad!" I smiled back at him in a friendly fashion. He was being nice I guess but running for my life isn't the motivation I need.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I wouldn't put a ton of stock in a training run time. Good luck in the race!
