Saturday, November 21, 2009

Alex - 6.42

46:32 (7:15)

This was on the trail in Manhattan Beach. Felt like going farther than normal yesterday and I'm glad I did. I felt really good throughout this run and wasn't even that exhausted when I finished. Even more impressive was that I drank a lot the night before so this was supposed to just be a purge run, but it ended up being really strong. I'll probably go and knock out some more later this afternoon. I'm going to add this mileage to my weekly mileage since it was run yesterday.


  1. hey you can backdate your runs by clicking options and changing the date

  2. Thanks for the heads up, I'll do that next time. By the way, I'll be moving back to LA in January so we'll have to go for a run sometime after I get settled.

  3. cool, where you gonna be living?

  4. It looks like it will be Hermosa Beach.

  5. One of my most favourite bands is from there!
