Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Steve - 5.6

This was a great workout with the Flyers. I wanted to get in a nice tempo run and then afterwards jumped in a few intervals for the heck of it because I was feeling really good. I was shooting for about 7 min/mile pace for a 2.5 mile tempo, and was pretty much right on (17:37, 7:03 pace). I stood around for a few minutes before joining another Flyer for an 800. I wanted to run it in 3:00 and I nailed it exactly. Then, still feeling really good, I decided to jump on a 400. Wanted to hit 85 and I was right there at 86. Both intervals felt real smooth and easy, which is great because I never train close to this pace. So I know the slower tempo stuff has made me stronger. Looking forward to breaking 19 real soon, but I probably won't have a chance til Thanksgiving. Look out Chris!

1.6 wup 15:34
2.5 tempo in 17:37 (7:17, 6:54, 3:25)
800 3:00 (1:29, 1:31)
400 86
8:33 cd 1200

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a solid workout! I'm definitely going to have to watch my back...
