Friday, November 6, 2009

James - 3.1


I'm in London for my Visa interview, which was yesterday at the US Embassy. I think it went well for the most part. I brought my running stuff with me since I've been bored of my routes lately. I hope I'll get admiration for this dedication.

I ran round a park near my friends house where I'm staying. Despite the excitement of a new place, it wasn't that fun. I had to get up at 6am for my appointment yesterday so my sleep is all off, and there were some inclines so steep that running down them without slowing considerably would have been falling-down-dangerous. Nice park though! Ducks and dogs and pedallo thingies. Christ it's cold.

Not sure if I will run again before I leave on Monday, since the next few days are likely to involve drinking, which is why I crammed this in now.

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