Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chris - 4.17

32:19 - 7:44 pace

I was going to run this weekend, but I slept in super late on Saturday and then went to see 'This Is It' with my mom, and had a previously scheduled appointment to play Modern Warfare 2 for the rest of the day. Sunday we played basketball at my church for the first time since last spring. Had about 12 guys show up and played for 2 1/2 hours. It was a lot of fun until yesterday when I woke up and realized that just about every muscle in my body was sore. The good news is that I realized today that one of those muscles was not my hip! My knee hurt just about the whole time I was playing Sunday though. Getting on to tonight's run: my left hammy is probably the most sore, and thus constricted my stride a bit. I think that helped my knee though, because the last mile when I was feeling looser my knee hurt like bloody hell. This injury continues to perplex me. Time to go watch the end of the Gonzaga/MSU game that I taped and have some dinner!

Oh yeah! I know some of you already know this, but I was offered that job/promotion yesterday! I'm meeting with my new manager on Friday to finalize the details, and I'm crossing my fingers that I can start on Monday. Woo-hoo!


  1. Well done on the job! What is it again?

  2. I'm moving into the main headquarters at Platt, for a position called Resource Center Specialist. Basically I'll be helping provide support for our 99 branches, and managing inventory levels for the product lines that they give me. Should be fun!
