Wednesday, July 22, 2009

James - 5.1


Today I ran past a park which had a hummer limo parked outside of it (just incase you don't think the world is aware what an arsehole you are, you can now buy or rent these), and about a hundred schoolchildren were flocking towards it. It must have been a celebrity of some sort. I didn't stop to look in an effort to look cool, but then when you're running it probably isn't that much of a surprise to all the people with cameras over their faces.


  1. This makes 8 out of your last 9 runs that has been 5.1 miles. Ever thought of trying a new route? Perhaps 8 miles along the canal? A fast 4-miler? Maybe you can make it to Lymm and back.

  2. Yeeeeeeeeah I decided today I should do some new runs starting next time. I thought maybe some fartleks? (Is that right?) But you think I should do 4 miles?

  3. I love your routines my little chickpea.

  4. my rec would be to do at least a few runs that are 7-8 miles a week and not even worry about how fast they are..

  5. I try to do that, but I still worry about how fast they are =P. And it sounds like James has a Magneto run...sweet!
