Monday, July 27, 2009

James - 7.5


Longest run ever in terms of distance and time, hooray! Man did I go slow though. I thought I would have trouble going at a slower pace, but obviously not, and it was mostly leisurly. When I tried to push faster during the last few minutes though not much came out! A different kind of exhaustion.

My parents were walking along the canal to the pub and I came up behind them. They stood at the edge and cheered as I went past. I didn't see them until they did so, so at first I assumed I was being heckled by strangers. But no, that came later in this mammoth adventure.

When coming up to a never-before-run bend, I saw something heavy ripple in the water ahead and heard kids voices. At first fearing someone had fallen in the canal, I then saw it was a group of children throwing big rocks off a wall OVER THE PATH into the water. They let me pass before they carried on though.

Later I ran past a boat crammed with young teens, and one who looked familiar said hey it's the guy from co-op! And told me to fuck off etc. I returned the gestures and my now standard response to piss-takers which is to raise both my fists high and go "woo!" I decided that all parties involved enjoyed this exchange.

In other news, Alison started her new job today. You should all congratulate her! In short this means I will by the end of the year be running in Florida heat that will reduce my North European frame to crap. Woohoo!


  1. Congrats to you on your longest run ever! I already congratulated Alison on facebook, I don't want her to get an overinflated ego by continuing it here =P The picture in my head of you hoisting your hands high while running and getting sworn at is pretty comical I must say...

  2. Congrats to alison as well! has she started running again? oh and nice long run. keep banging those long and easy ones out..

  3. I think she will get back into running once she figures out how she wants to organise it around her new work schedule.

    Thanks guys!
