Friday, July 10, 2009

Luke - 7.25

7.25mi, 62:19 (8:35) Another late-night run. Planned on running till the lights turned off. I was wearing the shoes I can't tell you about, which I've found slow me down by :30-:60 per mile compared to the Frees, and also my stomach was acting up again. At the end of the run, I had 15 minutes and 55 seconds till the lights turned off as I turned around to start another mile-loop, so I figured I would be able to do two loops and finish just as they went off. My goal was 8:00 and previous loops had been all over the place from 8:02 to 8:43, depending on how bad my stomach felt for that particular loop. The second-to-last loop I came through in 8:06, so I needed a 7:49 to make it. The second 1/4-mile the stomach pain started hitting, but I pushed through as well I could and hit the half in 4:10. Right after that the pain reduced me to a walk, so I knew I wouldn't make it. I did manage to run for about a quarter mile of it, but I would have had to do the last 1/4 in :79, and about 100m into that I could barely walk. So I ended up doing the last 200m in the dark. :(

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you didn't end up with one of those dreadful LetsRun stories...
