Sunday, July 19, 2009

Steve - 7

It was another 7 a.m start for the 10k race. I knew if I ran an honest pace I would have a huge PR since I haven't really run a hard 10k. I thought there was an outside chance of breaking 40, but with all the racing from yesterday, it was quite a long shot. I hit the halfway point at 20:45 and wasn't feeling great. Legs started feeling worse and worse. I slowed down for the next few miles. Finally with about 800 meters to go, I started surging and finished with a strong kick. Clock read 42:27 for a new PR by 5 minutes and 42 seconds. The 10k concluded my running activities for the weekend. I didn't even do a cooldown. Our 10k team took third place, thanks primarily to the other runners. The scores are calculated based on age groups. The 59-year-old guy who ran with me in the 5k beat me by more than a minute in the 10k. He's a beast! He's actually pretty cool too. Turns out he's a track and XC coach in Minnesota. On my way home, I got some Inn-N-Out to reward myself after having raced (a "Lukean" like) 18.6 km in the span of 24 hours!


  1. Damn now you've beaten both my PR's. Guess I need to pick it up eh?

  2. "Mileage, mileage, mileage." That's what my teammate who is a coach told me when I asked how he was running those times at age 59. Run slow, run long, race fast. That's pretty much been the formula for me to get to this point as well..

  3. Yes, I would like to hold Steve up as a shining example of how to PR. Those 30- and 40-mile weeks virtually guaranteed it, and then he spent a week at the Luke Vaughn High Intensity Training Camp For Endurance Athletes, which is of course worth another 10 seconds per mile.

  4. the three trips to doughco probably added back on another three seconds per mile though..

  5. i do heartily endorse the LVHITCEA

  6. And what did you get at In-N-Out? I always get the same thing when I go there: two 4x4s and a vanilla shake.

  7. Haha man i'm not the eating machine you are. I just got a boring cheeseburger and fries.
