Wednesday, July 1, 2009

KB - 4

So today I ran about 4 miles. The weather was less than delightful. Word on the street in that it reached about 90 degree today. I'll go out on a limb and say that it reached it's peak temperature around 2 or 3ish. And then the big blue ribbon winner for biggest dumbass of the day goes to (drumroll) ME! I ran right about 2:15. I'm a moron. Sorry about being lame on posting. I really have no excuse. Its not even like I have a full time job. I was just lazy. So I ran monday though and my knee started to hurt really bad. I think it may be jammed up. Tomorrow I will be bowing out to water-run at the YMCA. Maybe doing that like twice a week isn't such a bad idea. Less pounding on my knees.


  1. Glad you're posting again.

    Yeah it's been stupid hot this week. I thought Oregon was supposed to be rainy. I didn't sign up for this.

  2. You just obviously appreciate a good lie-in. Which in my book makes you super smart, not dumb.
