Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Steve - 4.75

2x4x400. 100 recovery in between each 400. 400 recovery between each set. I wanted to do these a bit faster than usual since I am in peaking mode. I did these in trainers because I am doing another track workout on Friday and my achilles was hurting a bit. I didn't need to push too hard to hit these times, but it definitely required a lot of concentration to keep the pace.

82, 84, 83, 82.5
85, 82.9, 83, 81

Oh, I wasn't sure if anyone was going to buy the whole Jonathan Robertsin story. If you didn't catch on already, I am Jonathan Robertsin and Jonathan Robertsin is me. It was the alias I used in my race since I wasn't running at full speed.


  1. Here is me evidently reading everything chronologically and late...

    You BASTARD! I just made a comment to him. At least I called you a bastard in that comment too.

    ...I like your creativity and sneakiness.

  2. haha thanks. i aim to please.
