Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 2:11:26 (9:39)
Death march. Stomach was all fucked up, I was hurting from the start and nothing made it better. Need more sleep...just gotta survive one more day of 4-4 work before a three-day weekend to stock up thereon. From now on I'm getting to bed by 6 on Sunday nights, then being efficient with my time during the week.
Two (2) pull-ups. Splits: 13:17, 16:32, 9:53, 8:09, 9:07, 4:10, 3:28 (64:40) / 3:45, 3:16, 7:43, 8:17, 9:53, 18:30, 15:17.

1 comment:

  1. It's not as much fun witnessing your inevitable downhill decline...
