Friday, June 26, 2009

Alison - 4

Distance: 4 miles; Time: 36+ mins; Locale: Treadmill, next to middle-aged Jonas Bros. fan

This is my longest mileage in a month. I am getting back to where I was, and am almost 100% better. My body fat was down about 1.5% from a month ago, so I don't know what I did when I was ailing so bad to keep so fit and healthy.

I am taking it easy on speed, but Monday I will be back on the incline treadmill again. Now that my endurance is returning, I have to gradually work on speed. There is a 5k at midnight in Tarpon Springs (the largest Greek community in the USA) on the 4th of July (when we celebrate our freedom from those poncy Brit bastards, pip pip) but I am not sure I am up for it yet.

Been drinking lots of iced green tea with ginseng, makes me feel healthy.

The heat is 115*F. Even Luke was slightly caught off guard by how extremely debilitating it is to run when it is that oppressively hot. We don't really have seasons here, just Summer followed by Hades. Come visit!


  1. Pip pip to your efforts, fair yank.

  2. 115 is insane. I feel for ya. Is it humid or dry heat? I've been to St. Augustine before but it wasn't nearly that hot...

  3. Really super uber-humid! Gainesville is worse than where I live though, it's in the middle of a swamp. I could never find a makeup that didn't just slide right off my face when I would walk outside.

  4. good to see you're able to start logging some miles again. luke and i have like 5 posts to update..
