Sunday, June 7, 2009

Steve - 10.5

I knew this race was going to be tough after not running much this week in the wake of my Achilles injury. I didn't help matters by not allowing a lot of time to get there. I made it to the main parking lot 20 minutes before the start. Problem was parking costs 10 dollars and I didn't have any dollars. So I had to drive another mile to find a parking spot. I had 10 minutes to get to the start and check in. I usually prefer to ease into my warmup, but I didn't have a choice on this race day. As approached the start line, I heard the national anthem playing. I made it to the race check-in, got my bib, laced in the chip on my shoe, and got as far forward in the crowd as I could. The gun went off and I had to run through the dregs of the competitive running world for 200 meters before I could settle into my pace. I don't really have any other description of the race besides just trying to run evenly while ignoring the pain. There were mile markers for once finally, so I have my splits. (6:45, 6:42, 6:38, :37) My chip fell off with a mile left, so no official time, but I crossed the line in 20:42 on my watch. No doubt that if I could have warmed up more and had some extra time before the race, I could have been much closer to 20 flat. I'll take this time though. My PR (20:36) will fall in my next race(maybe June 21, two days before I fly to Eugene) as I get back into my regular mileage and workouts this week.

1 mile wu
5K in 20:42 (6:45, 6:42, 6:38, :37)
6.4 mile cd in 59:39 (9:19)


  1. Ha "dregs of the competitive running world".

    Good splits, I'm betting you will get a PR next race. Maybe you will even survive my putting you through Hell workouts for five days. But I doubt it...

  2. Have you concocted the murderous plan yet? I m starting to feel good again, although both achilles are bothering me slightly, so I'm not sure about hills... This week I'm going to try to hit 40 miles on 5, possibly 6 runs.

  3. It seems like even progressive, internationally-minded west coasters can't open a bag of Oreos without playing God Save the Flag. That must get annoying. Even when it isn't a sign you're late for your race.

    I don't know if that was mean. Sorry if anyone felt it was...
