Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chris - 3.14

Glad I made myself run today. I actually really felt like running but was just busy with getting ready for camping (I'm packing as I write this). I did this same hill run about a month ago. I felt so good during the whole run, I started out quick right out of the gates. Also I passed two very attractive ladies on my run, which made me think I might have to start running more often in the summer =P. Final time was 23:47 for a pace of 7:34. Oh I wanted to mention, I kinda wish I had a Magneto run here. I had one in Eugene, although it wasn't very long, I miss it. Does anyone else know what a Magneto run is? Maybe Luke can explain it to you since I'll be gone camping and unable to respond till Friday....


  1. Sure, here's the story...it's from "malmo", a.k.a. George Malley, former American Record holder in the Steeplechase:

    Funny story about that morning.

    One day I come back after a morning run to find Ron Tabb and my roommate playing darts. I join in, the conversation drifts to the usual - how far d'ya go, etc. I said that I ran the morning magneto loop, 8.5 miles in 46:00 (5:25 per mile) which I described as being "moderate" paced. A "magneto" loop was a term coined by Dave Gordon (your average 2:11 guy), referring to any loop that you could do, and probably have done, in your sleep. Everyone has their own lexicon, you might call them a "chip shot" or a "lay-up", etc. Magneto loops tend to be shorter warm-up/down loops and morning loops, but can be longer -- I had a 29 mile "mega-magneto" loop. My morning magneto loop was marked at the first mile so I'd use it as a gut-check. I'd usually hit the first mile in 6:10-6:15, determine how I felt and take it from there. Tabb asked me what the fastest I've done the loop, I replied that it was 44:07 (5:11/mile)

    A day or two later, I awakened one morning and there is Tabb in the living room stretching, not unusual -- except that he's got his racing flats on. I go to the local bagel shop for a snack and a newspaper, when I get back, it's not too long before Tabb finishes his run. He tells me that he just ran the magneto loop in 44:00. Very animated, shaking my head and waving my arms, and with tongue planted firmly in cheek, I rant "What the hell are you doing? You come over to my backyard, wearing racing flats, just to break MY magneto record? Do I ever come over to your house and break YOUR magneto records? NO I DON'T ! That's because there's a runners code, "Thou shalt not break your friend's magneto records!"

    The next morning I ran the loop in 43:28 (5:07). You don't mess with the runner's omerta. No, I didn't wear racing flats, I did as I usually do--rolled out of bed and ran. I'll concede that the gut-check point that day wasn't over 6:00.

  2. Haha I love that story! It warms the cockles of my heart.

  3. Good stuff. I need a Magneto run that I dont have to drive 10 or 20 minutes to get to...(stupid L.A.)
