Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Luke - 18

18mi, 2:25:30 (8:05) Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Ow.

I meant to go like 13, maybe 13.5 miles, but I underestimated the length of the route I was taking and then I took a wrong turn, so it ended up being 18 tough miles. I wanted to go West since I rarely go that direction, so I figured I'd head out to the start of the Ridgeline Ramble (the race I did the first half of a couple weeks ago) and do the first five miles of it (meaning I'd skip that uphill at the end of my leg of it) and head on home. So I knew from the trailhead home would be 8.5 miles, and I glanced real quick at Google Maps before I headed out and for some reason thought the route I chose to get there would be about 5 miles. This is the route I ended up taking. Even if I didn't take the wrong turn after 6 miles, and the other wrong turn just after 8 miles, it still would have been at least 7 miles there, for 15.5 miles total, with hills, two days after doing 17 miles.

But I made it through okay! My last few miles were fairly slow, but not a total death march, and even though I could barely walk once I'd stopped, I think I am recovering all right and will be fine by tomorrow. But I am definitely doing a much shorter run tomorrow. 10 miles max.

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