Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Luke/Steve - 2

2mi, 17:55 (8:57) Knowing that both close tracks would be closed for the athletes, I figured we could go at night and no one would care that we were on the track. We went at about 11 and had to hop a fence to get in, and as soon as we got on the track we saw big flashlights. A few security guards came up to us (actually we ran pretty much straight to them) and told us we had to get off the track. We tried to reason with them that since there was no one using the track, it wouldn't matter if we were there, but they were impervious to common sense. I think they thought we'd try to steal hurdles or something. Anyway, we went to the trail that is usually lit up till midnight, and the lights were off! I guess sometimes they shut off at 11, sometimes at 12. Anyway we ran around the streets a bit, and even though Steve was game to go a bit longer, I decided we'd keep it really short so he could save his energy for the harder runs I have in store for him.

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