Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chris - 2.71

Glad I went on a run today. Perfect weather - not too hot and sun was just going down. I tried to pace myself better than I usually do and try to just run how I felt. I tried this route that I couldn't find a road for before, and it turns out that the road actually doesn't go through anymore. It's just an alley to some houses on one side. But I was able to get through easily and continue on. Oh a dog scared the crap out of me, the fence it was behind was set back from the road a little so it didn't see me until I had just passed it and it barked really loud so it sounded much closer than it actually was. My final time was 19:38 for a pace of 7:14, which surprised me because I didn't feel like I was running any faster than I usually do. Maybe it's because I haven't run in a week so my legs were super fresh....

1 comment:

  1. Did it sound like the sort of dog you'd want to spontaneously run alongside you?
