Thursday, April 9, 2009

Alison - 2.5

Distance: 2.5 miles; Time: 22 mins; Locale: Treadmill

I've been in a terrible mood for the last few days (due to lack of finding a job) but today I forced myself to trek over to the gym. Once there I had a decent run so I guess I will go back tomorrow. I have some new sparkly hot pink soccer socks so that will make tomorrow fun and less blah.

I did my first half mile on the incline treadmill. That sucker is hard.


  1. I feel your pain on not finding a job =/ I hate the one I have. But I've tried to look forward to my runs as more an escape from worrying about that, as opposed to letting my sour moods keep me from working out.

  2. I'm usually pretty good at taking my pain out on the treadmill and using it as an outlet, but it was just too much for me to take on Monday when I found out I wasn't getting a job I thought that I had. But now I am done wallowing and back fighting the good fight.

    Thanks for your kind words!
