Saturday, April 4, 2009

James - 3.1

27 mins 45 secs.

I don't normally fall for these health exercise things, (like Gatorades animal-tested UK cousin, Lucozade), because they are bumpkum, but last week I bought a single Energy Bomb! at a health food shop. I wanted to try it and see if it helped catapult me out of my running slump into a really good progression. Also it came in a shiny packet and had a cool name so I am a consumer sucker.

It says to eat it 30 mins before exercise, but I didn't feel much different until about 3 hours later, and I've spent the last hour dancing like a mad bastard to ska punk. Maybe that's to do with the long run and massive feast that followed it, I'm not sure. Anyway, the thing tasted way better than I thought it would, so I may give them another go. It's possible this bite-sized-bomb DID help me run further, but I never felt the "burst" of energy I was hoping for (given its price!) I decided my goal today would be to run through the pain barrier and keep going towards the half-hour mark, but the pain was a sort of unpleasant constantness throughout. Feel good now though!


  1. Yeah that's how they get you to buy those way too expensive packets, they taste so good! I've tried them before but for mountain biking ( pretty ingenious stuff

  2. "...developed by company founder Dr. William Vaughan" - is Luke getting loaded off our being duped?! (Yes I know it's not spelt right.)

    So what do we think, are these things worth it? My brother drinks a chocolate milkshake that claims to be "sporty." It's called "For Goodness Shakes!," for Christs' sake!

  3. Why don't you try my awesome and awesomely cheap electrolyte cocktails, James darling.

  4. You know I have already tried them a few times! Just not after running. Which I will do, I promise.
