Sunday, April 5, 2009

Chris - 1.7

So this was supposed to be a 3 mile run, since I didn't go running yesterday. I figured I would just try to do that loop that I got lost on Thursday night. Unfortunately I was offered a leftover hamburger during the Blazer game, and since I like to snack, after that I had some carrots and a glazed Hostess donut. So with that in my stomach I figured I'd start off slow and see what happened. At about a half mile my knee started acting up and I had to stop and stretch it. I ended up cutting into a different loop once I figured out there was no way I was going to run all of those hills with my hip being weak and stomach stuffed. A little fun part at the end - a kid turned onto the sidewalk across the street from me with about 100 yds to go, so I made myself push and pass him before I got back to the apt driveway...which was cool until I stopped and felt like I was going to hurl, lol. Final time was 12:38 for a 7:25 pace


  1. I had no idea what a Hostess donut was so I had to look that up.

    Hey, I think since you had carrots and a donut, that's pretty much carrot cake, which is pretty much a vegetable.

  2. You're from the same country as Ronald Reagon, right? I knew it!

  3. Oooh I was hoping someone would get that connection! Let's be soulmates.
