Sunday, April 12, 2009

Steve - 6

Headed out to the wood chips trail in Manhattan Beach. I chose a pretty bad time to run, right at noon. It's starting to get pretty hot in L.A., so it was not a good idea. I wanted to do a nice long run with a few harder miles. After the third mile I felt like crap. I slowed down considerably and had to fight the urge to quit during the fourth mile. Started feeling a little better after that, but I kept the pace down the rest of the way. Last week was my biggest mileage week (23) in three years, and my body is starting to feel it. Both knees are hurting some and my right achilles and calf are really tight. My left foot also started hurting a little. Gonna take two days off before running with a track club at Caltech on Wednesday. Splits are below

6 miles, 53:36 (8:56)
9:25, 8:17, 7:43, 9:34, 9:38, 8:58


  1. Brutal! Hope the mileage serves you well and your body isn't getting too overwhelmed.

  2. yeh i feel better today after a full day of rest. not limping around as much. im still concerned about my achilles, but i think it will get better if i keep doing calf raises and loosening up the area around it.
