Saturday, April 25, 2009

James - 4.1


Wasn't feeling good about today at all, but pushed myself and ended up with this result. It is getting hot here now, so was sweaty. I am starting to learn that running further gives you more interesting anecdotes, and that's a good incentive.

For example, today I spat on a 4X4, called the driver a wanker and an arsehole, and stuck two fingers up at him, multiple times. Because he acted in a way that deserved it, of course! I was about to cross a side-street on my way towards a park, and he is coming up that street. And he can't wait the 1.5 seconds it would take to let me cross, ohhhhhhh no. He has a machine that lets him go fast so he is going to be an impatient, selfish bastard (even though he then has to go as slowly as I am running once he gets into the street because he's driving a car that is stupidly big near to a park - well worth being insulted!) I had that lovely, disgusting runners spit in me too, so it was poetic spit. Y'know? I wish I'd seen his reaction when he got home and saw it on his side panel. He peered at me out of his window as I ran alongside him hurling abuse but he didn't respond. Out of shame maybe. Or just bemusement. Once again, nearby kids loved me, or something similar.

About a minute later, in the park, some kids football came towards me, and in an attempt to step over it, I accidently did a fancy looking heel kick.

Slightly less exciting was later on when I went past a guy on a bike and shouted "Hello Dave!" only to instantly realise it wasn't someone I went to school with, and, with us having passed each other now, turned around to shout "sorry, wrong person!" Cyclist grinned.

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