Sunday, April 19, 2009

Steve - 7.25

It was in the 80s today when I got to the wood chips at Manhattan Beach. But that didn't deter me from attempting a challenging workout. My plan was to warm up with 2 miles and then run 4 miles at a steady state pace right around 8 min/mile. Everything went as planned until about mile 3 of the steady state portion. I got a horrible cramp in my right abdominal muscles. With the high temperature and the cramp, the workout probably became more than a steady state. But I pushed through and finished the 4th mile. Had a bit to drink to last night as well. That probably didn't help...The times weren't quite what I wanted, but it's OK. Solid workout. Oh, also some idiot almost ran into me. The trail is built into this huge median that goes through MB. Occasionally I have to cross through an intersection. Some moron at a stop sign didn't bother to look before going through the stop sign and I had do a little dance to the side to avoid getting hit. I scolded the car, saying "stop sign" like 3 times. I'm usually not one to use profanity or flip off strangers in these type of situations. They were probably just thinking something like "Stupid runners". This was near the end of my steady state portion, so it kind of took something out of me. Oh well. Life as a runner..

8:28, 8:04, 8:14, 8:06
Total: 65:06 (8:58) 2 mi warmup, 1.25 mile cooldown


  1. The good thing is they're unlikely to stop when you shout at them or send them rude gestures, because they are usually lazy bastards in cars. When people drive they become less patient to everything, as a rule, but with runners I think it stems from reminding them that they could be bettering themselves like you are instead of driving home from work to drown in a torrent of shit television.

  2. That's really scary! I'm very scared of cars.

  3. And they probably justify not stopping to kick your arse to themselves by thinking that they're "in a hurry." Sure. You have something important to do.

  4. james, your first comment is dead-on! so true...
