Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Luke - 7

7mi, 52:56 (7:33)  5x100m strides at the end.  I was doing them on the track and there were some kids there, probably around 3rd grade, doing a sort of shuttle relay, one kid would go 200m and touch another kid's hand, who would go 200m and touch another kid's hand, who would go another 200m and touch the first kid's hand.  There were a dozen or so of them racing each other and I was doing 100m stride on the straight and 100m jog on the turn so I felt like I was racing them some of the time.  They really looked like they were having a great time.  Go running kids!

Also on the earlier part of my run there was a different group of a dozen or so kids, probably somewhere around 8th-9th grade, running at a moderate pace in front of me.  I was catching them and wondering how I'd go around them because they were taking up the whole trail and I'd have to call out "on your left" and then wait like an hour for them to assemble because people never know what to do when someone is passing them.  But when I was like 15m behind them one of them near the front told the rest to get over to the right side of the trail because a runner was coming through, and they all got in line fairly quickly and I thanked them as I went by.  It was a great display of Eugene courtesy/knowledge of running.

1 comment:


    Literally. Because lets face it, when the oil-depletion, fall-of-economic-growth-based-capitalism really starts to hurt, it won't be the people who never exercised a day in their lives who'll be running around saving children from various kinds of imminent death.
