Monday, April 6, 2009

Steve - 4

Plan was to do an easy 35-40 min easy run after Sunday's 5K. I was going to run around the park near my house. However, for some reason they have fenced it off and apparently closed it the public. Being the dedicated runner I am, I hopped the fence. It was no easy feat considering there was no bar on the top of the fence and it was a really lightweight fence, so I couldnt dig my feet in. I somehow made it over unscathed and preceded to get my run in. I did about 4 loops and then realized there was a sign on the outside of one part of the fence. I thought maybe it said something like: "Please stay off of the grass for pesticides" or something like. So I had to jump the fence in order to see what it actually said. It was just an advertisement for the stupid fencing company. So the good news was that my entire body wasn't covered with deadly pesticides. But the bad news was I needed to jump the fence again. I didn't feel like it so I just decided to run around the sparse grass area that wasn't fenced off. I ended up logging 40 minutes and what I imagine was at least 4 miles. I didn't bring my Nike Plus for this run, so who the hell really knows. In keeping with Luke's theme, it was also probably the slowest run I have ever done. But the night had one more tragic event in store for me. I iced my achilles because its been bothering me for awhile now. However, I guess I was holding it too tightly directly on my skin and I ended up with a minor case of frostbite. The area above my ankle has red splotches and they burn a little. I'm hoping it goes away soon.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch!

    And that's dedication! Advertising bad, fence hopping, good!
